SurveyShare and UNC Charlotte's Faculty Center for Teaching and
e-Learning (FCTeL) have allowed me to go global. With my two
Manchester, England-based colleagues, I am conducting a worldwide, six
continent public relations managerial study. Using SurveyShare and
FCTeL's expert staff, we designed the survey and now have implemented
it on a worldwide basis. This feature has allowed us to significantly
advance managerial role theory and update 30 years of research. The
program was straight forward, user friendly from both my perspective
and those of my respondents, and allowed me collect survey data
directly with SurveyShare and then email to my stats guru in the
UK. This is truly a process based on the content using the technology
to accomplish a goal, rather than the other way around. Thanks!
Dr. Barbara DeSanto, APR, Fellow PRSA
Associate Professor,
Department of Communication Studies
University of North Carolina at Charlotte